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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is the plugin collection named after James K. Polk?

A: We debated on names for this collection of plugins. Generic names like "The Super LightWave Plugins", "MegaTools", or "The LightWave Plugin Pack" are just too vague and uninteresting. Also, what would we name our next release of plugin tools? "MegaTools II"?

So we began thinking about a theme for our future sets of plugin collections. We considered minerals (The Talc Collection, the Pumice Collection, up to the Diamond Collection), planets, job titles on movie sets, famous inventors, the ingredient list of shampoo in the original Italian, and dozens of other themes. But when you have a collection of LightWave plugins the theme is just a title.. we're not really going to write twenty plugins all dealing with talc.

Since the theme itself is meaningless, we decided that we could pick any theme we wanted to- it's more fun that way. We will be naming future plugin collections after obscure presidents of the United States.

One implication of this decision is that Worley Labs will probably have to continue writing plugins until all of the obscure presidents are used.

Q: Why choose James K. Polk for the first release?

A: Because They Might Be Giants wrote a great song about this obscure man.

Q: Why has it been so long since your last software release?

A: Because The James K. Polk Plugin Collection has so many high quality tools in it! We don't sell cheesy plugins, and it takes time to develop truly high quality software.

Q: What plugins are coming up? I've heard rumors about some of them.

A: All of the software we've announced and released are described on the Products page. We have many more tools in test and development, and we'll be announcing and releasing them on a regular timetable. We don't discuss our development until one month before the shipping date, in order to prevent problems of vaporware and missed shipping dates.

Q: How can I get the latest information about products?

A: This web page is always the most complete and up to date information source. You're always welcome to ask us questions about our software, but we won't discuss products that aren't announced yet.

Q: Do you have demo versions of plugins?

A: No. We may decide to distribute demonstration versions in the future, but we do not currently. Our product section does have a complete description with screen shots, examples, and features, and you're welcome to email or call us with any further questions.

Q: Can I be told about new tools automatically?

A: We don't have a mechanism for this yet, but always check our web site for the latest information.

Q: Do you plan plugins for the SGI, Macintosh, or Amiga versions of LightWave?

A: We currently support Intel, Alpha and Sun versions of LightWave. We are working on a Macintosh port. We will post news of the Mac port's completion on this website. We do not plan an Amiga version.

Q: Can we get site licenses for plugins?

A: Yes, for sites which need 10 or more copies of the software, please call our sales department for rates, or email (sales@worley.com).

Q: Do you write custom plugins?

A: Yes, we do write custom software, mostly for the largest Hollywood studios. Often this technology is polished and re-written for commercial release. If you have any specific need for custom plugins, you're welcome to contact us. Contract rates are probably out of the range of most smaller studios, however.

Q: What dealers sell Worley Labs plugins?

A: None. Our plugins are only sold directly by Worley Labs.

Q: How can I become a beta tester?

A: We have a full team of testers now. Only very occasionally do we have a vacancy, but it does happen. When we have an open slot, we base our choice of new testers on their potential. People who have sent us comments, example images, suggestions for improvements, bug reports, etc, are noted and we approach them to become a tester. This is one incentive to send us this kind of information even when you are not an official tester. You can email Mark Ness (mark@worley.com) about the beta testing program.

Q: How large is Worley Labs?

A: Currently there are five employees, though we're expanding!

Send comments or suggestions to webmaster@worley.com.
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